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Members that have passed!


Patrick Morrison
We will miss you!

Passed February 2024


In Loving Memory

It is with profound sorrow that we announce the passing of Patrick Morrison.

Pat was a teacher in School District 68 for most of his career. Many of those years were spent at North Oyster School. He was a dedicated educator who volunteered much of his time to extracurricular activities within the school and his community.

Drama was a passion and he spent countless hours with students and his colleagues, Judy and Richard putting on plays with The Little Oyster Theatre Company.

He was a major organizer of the 100th Anniversary of North Oyster School. And when a new school was to be built he was among the 1st directors of the North Oyster and Area Historical Society which moved the old building across the road to become a community center.

Pat loved music and enjoyed playing guitar and singing. Born in Trail B.C. he started playing bagpipes with the Trail Pipe band at the age of 11. He played for Remembrance Day and other events at various schools in District 68 including those of his daughters and grandchildren.

Pat was a member of the Pacific Gael pipe band in Nanaimo for a number of years. For the past several years he played with Cowichan Pipes and Drums. He and Lynda enjoyed many trips around the province with the band and outside B.C. in California and China. The highlight was playing on the Great Wall.

He was an avid sailor and in their younger years he and Lynda spent many days sailing around Ladysmith and the smaller islands in their 30ft sail boat.

Pat shared the pleasure of fly fishing with his brother Bill. They enjoyed flying in Bill's two seater plane to remote areas of B.C. just to fish. Later Pat and Lynda had the pleasure of doing some travelling. A favorite was to do the Oregon coast in their camper van.

Pat was a devoted family man. He was predeceased by his brothers Jack and Bill.

He is survived by Lynda, his loving wife of 55 yrs. and his daughters Emily and Kirsten. He leaves behind his adored grandchildren, Trent, Jason, Alex, Faith, James and many other loving family and friends.

In lieu of flowers donations may be made to Royal Jubilee Hospital Cardiac Care Unit.



Norm Sales
We will miss you!

Born July 9th,1925

Passed December 3,2003




Bruce Knight
We will miss you!

Passed July 5th,2006












Jackie Vensel
We will miss you!

Born August 10th,1940

Passed January 5,2007



John Greenwood
We will miss you!


Bill Grant
We will miss you!

It is with a heavy heart that I must report to you that our fellow piper, good friend & trusted colleague passed away

April 1st, 2010.




Neil MacGillivray
We will miss you!

I am sad to report for the second time this week that we have lost another fellow piper. Neil MacGillivray, a talented piper that amazed us all in his late years and enjoyed a good party passed

April 6th, 2010.


Mark McGladrey

Born - September 11,1948  & Passed - April 28th,2015

" If something is worth doing, it is worth doing well"

Trips to "Monterey"  and "China"

You will be missed!

Dianne Gregory, Mark McGladrey & Darcy Cowan - Enjoying Bill Grant Memorial Golf Tournament Win!



Dave McKay
We will miss you!

Passed away    July 20th, 2018.

As a young man Dave started playing bagpipes in the Kimberley Pipe Band in 1947. He attended UBC to get his degree in Mining engineering. 

After retiring to the Cowichan Valley he joined the Cowichan Pipes and Drums band as a piper for about 10 years. He retired from the band about 5 years ago. 

In retirement from the band he continued to attend many of the band functions, including this years Rememberence day celebration, Burns celebration, the Victoria Highland games and last summers trip to the Kimberley Tattoo.



Wilf White
We will miss you!

It is with a heavy heart that I must report to you that our fellow drummer and good friend passed away

January 10th, 2020.



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This site was last updated 03/28/24